Healthy and active seniors may want to go for a 55+ Community and Independent Living Facilities.
On the other hand you may be looking for care for seniors with special needs that have to be met for maximum quality of life, this means you’ll be better off with Assisted Living Facilities, Alzheimer’s or Dementia care facilities, or even in-home senior care providers.
In cases where seniors have medical dependencies, it might be your best choice to find a nursing home, whereas those with short-term medical care needs will be best suited in respite care.
Some seniors may prefer to live at home, in that case you should look into in-home care, continuing care retirement communities are unique senior housing communities with multiple levels that will allow seniors to age in one location.
Even though senior housing terminology varies from state-to-state, those are the most common terms used in the U.S.
If you’re looking for specific senior living services within a facility, we recommend you research them individually, as well as personal visits and reference checks before commiting to your choice.
Some types of senior living facilities are actually rental apartments for 55+, but there also are communities where homes get sold/bought.
Quality in Experience
Friendly and compassionate service
Connecting via video Chat or Phone
We speak multiple
Dedicated to excellent quality of experience
We understand the amount of choices can be overwhelming and it is crucial to us that you find the ideal place for your personal situation.
You can always contact us* for guidance on this journey. And in case you’re unsure of what type or senior care will be best for your situation, we suggest learning about the different services*.
“Didn’t want my auntie Lilia to be away from home, and it was hard facing the fact that I just didn’t exactly know how to care for her. But thankfully I found the right people thanks to the homecare service, they know exactly what to do, and I’m able to still have her close everyday while she gets the attention she needs.”
Audrey Williams
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